The Story of the Prophet Yunus (pbuh)
Yunus (pbuh) was the son of Amittai, from the clan of Judah. Allah sent Yunus (pbuh) as a Prophet to the people of Ninewa (North Western Iraq). The towns people we're idolaters and very proud of this. They had been worshipping idols for generations. The stubborn people of the town refused to even listen to Yunus's (pbuh) teachings. Yunus (pbuh) warned them, that a great punishment would come to them from Allah. The shameless people of the village said to him "If Allah wants to punish them, then so be it."
Down hearted and angery he said. "I leave you to your misery!" He left the town fearing that Allah's anger would soon come . He decided to take the river ferry to another territory. He had just left the city when the skies began to change. They took on a very ominous display of fury. This filled the people of Ninewa with fear. They knew of the story of Noah and feared a similar fate. Faith in Allah slowly filled the hearts of people. They began to prostrate in prayer begging Allah to forgive them. It is said that you could hear their cries echoing threw the mountain for over an hour.
Allah feeling mercy for the people, and seeing the sincerity of there cry for forgiveness, he removed his wrath. The people prayed for Yunus (pbuh) to be returned. Yunus (pbuh) could guide them, and teach them the oneness of Allah..
At the same time Yunus (pbuh) was on the boat crossing the river. It had been a calm trip for almost a day. As night began to descend a storm with great waves surrounded the ship. Mountains seem to raise out of the river crashing into the ferry. It appeared that the ship would be torn in half with the next wave. The captain of the boat told the crew to throw the baggage over board to lighten their load. When this had no effect they decided to throw a man overboard. They tossed a coin and it fell on Yunus (pbuh). Since they knew him to be the most honorable among them, they did not wish to throw him into the angry sea. Therefore, they decided to draw a second lot. Again it fell on Yunus (pbuh). They gave him a final chance and drew a third. Unfortunately for Yunus (pbuh) it fell on him again.
Yunus (pbuh) knew that this was the will of Allah. This was his punishment for his leaving. So he threw himself in the river. The storm subsided immediately and all on board the ferry were saved.
As soon as he hit the water, Yunus (pbuh), was swallowed by a huge fish the size of a whale. Yunus (pbuh) was surrounded by darkness he was inside the huge fish. He knew that he would soon be dead he parted his lips and said La ilaha illa Anta . Yunus (pbuh) continued issuing his prayer. Until Allah feeling the depth of emotion and repentance in Yunus (pbuh) voice, commanded the fish to release him.
The fish carried Yunus (pbuh) to the bank and spit him onto the land. His skin was inflamed and partly digested from the stay in the stomach of the fish. Yunus (pbuh) became seriously ill. He suffered even further as the sun began to beet down on him. The insects attacked his wounds. Yunus (pbuh) continued beseeching Allah for his forgiveness. Seeing the great pain and suffering that his messenger was in. He gave the command of a plant to come to Yunus (pbuh) side and wrap him in shade. Yunus (pbuh) wounds began to heal. Allah said that if Yunus (pbuh) had not asked to be forgiven he would have left him in the fish's stomach until the day of judgment.
Allah led the people of Ninewa to find Yunus (pbuh). They we're overcome with joy to see him alive. They took him back to the city and swore to him that they would listen to him, if only he would teach them the way of Allah. Yunus (pbuh) lived with the people for the rest of his live. Upon his death he was buried near the place that he had landed when he was ejected from the fish. A city was built by his followers near his grave. This city became very prosperous. it is known as Kufa. Yunus (pbuh) grave is located on the bank of the river. May peace be upon Yunus (pbuh).
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